UN chief outlines solutions to defeat ‘four horsemen’ threatening our global future – and some of them will be discussed on the Conference

The start of the New Year finds the world facing four looming threats to human progress: surging geopolitical tensions, the climate crisis, global mistrust and the downsides of technology, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday.

In a wide-ranging speech to the General Assembly, the UN chief outlined strategies to address what he called the “four horsemen in our midst”, and he urged countries to take advantage of the UN’s 75th anniversary year to secure a peaceful future for all people.

“These four horsemen  (Geopolitical tensions. The climate crisis. Global mistrust. The dark side of technology) …can jeopardize every aspect of our shared future”, Mr. Guterres warned.  “That is why commemorating the 75th anniversary with nice speeches won’t do.  We must address these four 21st-century challenges with four 21st-century solutions.”  (See more on UN web: https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/01/1055791)

During international conference in Estonia we will look into all of them, and try to make own input into global conversation and putting our projects/ solutions  on table for policy and decision makers.