III. Transnational partners and experts meeting “Together towards green, sustainable and digital society” (4-7th of August 2022, Riga, Latvia)

The third transnational partner and experts meeting in the framework of the project “Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region 2021-2022” is happening from 5th till 6th August.

The third transnational partner and experts meeting in the framework of the project “Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region 2021-2022” is happening from 5th till 6th August.
The experts from six countries gathered in the capital of Latvia to complete the project and an educational toolkit on the SDGs for adult learners and make a public presentation of the project’s primary practical outcomes (the educational toolkit, a website for adult learners and experts, and an established sustainable network). Partners have summarized the project’s findings and outline any local and regional follow-up activities. The impact of the Nordic-Baltic SDGs network on adult learners and their organizations has been discussed by partners and experts. Additionally, we have examined how formal and informal adult education and learning processes related to SDG issues. It was a long journey in time of Global change and impact of COVID 19 on adult learners have not stopped Nordic -Baltic adult learners collaboration, as results of the project were achieved and long term project goals have been met.

The created toolkit is focused on the goals №4: Quality Education, № 5: Gender equality, №8: Decent Work and Economic growth, №10: Reduced inequality, №13: Climate action, №16: Peace, justice, and strong institutions and will introduce the learners and educators to the current situation on SDG’s in partner countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). The textbook is containing practical exercises that will help the reader to understand SDG in an accessible way

The toolkit has been published at the web page: http://www.unsdg.ee/book

The goal of this project was to increase the knowledge of young adults, teachers, NGO experts, and representatives of vulnerable groups about the UN SDGs in the context of a globalized world, as well as to improve their ability to be change agents and their engagement in pursuing more environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles in their daily activities.

Project is financed by Nordplus Adult programm of Nordic Council and international partners