After 2 years of hard work the educationla toolkit ”Green Habito” a guide to adult education and sustainability has been published online and available for free download on our webpage.
It was a result of colloboration between Noric-Baltic partners their contributions and a collection of the best activities produced by teachers, NGO activists, experts in field of lifelong learning, youth works for adults’ learners and community members.
Remember always think carefully about what you wish to achieve at the end when starting and the message you wish to convey. It is important to remember that what we offer thi-s toolkit only a guide.
If you choose to implement any of these activities or use any of these case studies, you are in control so do not be afraid to modify the activities, or to add your own activities. You are the one who knows how to get the most effective results in your country and community.
We would like to thank Nordplus Adult programme (Nordic Council), which is supported establishing transnational (Nordic-Baltic) network of adult learning organisations by exchanging knowledge and experience within sutstainable development themes, by increasing CSOs and adult learners capacity to be agents of change and enhance their engagement towards achieving a greener and sustainable lifestyle in their daily activities. We are very grantful to Nordplus Adult programm for the empowering educational cooperation in development and innovation within the Nordic and Baltic adult learning sector. Also we would like to express our gratitude to project partners from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania, to Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and all engaged experts and participants for their support and contributions during this project. Through their commitment to co-financing projects such as this one, sustainabilty education can actually become a sustainable meaningful reality for all. With special thanks to Mrs. Irina Golikova (executive Director of SSCW), all of our contributing adult learners and young people from across Nordic – Baltic region countries, partners and organisations and people who participated in workshops sessions and partners & experts meetings results of which featured in case studies and lesson plans.-