II. Workshop session “Getting closer with UN SDGs” (22-24 April 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania)

The second workshop session took place on April 22-24 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The first training session was devoted to “Gender Equality as an Accelerator for Achieving the SDGs” and was led by Barbi Pilvre-Storgard (University of Tallinn). This was followed by 3 parallel workshops on gender equality, women empowerment and sustainable welfare, conducted by the partners.

During the second training session Birgit Lao (Ambassador at large for Education at Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia) presented “Education and Digital society one step closer in achievement of the UN SDGs” and Jari Roy Lee Kaivo-oja (Adjunct Professor, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Science) from Finland shared “Accessible Global Education for adult learners and practitioners”. The day ended with three more workshops on global education and digital society.

Also the experts had the opportunity to share experiences and best practices and examples of their implementation in adult education for sustainable development. Also discussed interactive methods of learning and methods of involving people from vulnerable groups in the learning process.

You can find the results of the meeting and interesting materials on this page.