Project: Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region 2021-2022
The main goal of the project is to promote green growth and sustainability in the Nordic-Baltic region by reaching the SDGs and regional cooperation in building the green future of the region. This project aims is to increase knowledge of young adults, teachers, NGO experts and representative of vulnerable groups about UN SDGs in the context of globalized world, as well as enhance their capacity as well as enhance their capacity to be an agents of change and their engagement towards achieving greener and sustainable lifestyle in their daily activities.
Besides creating a thematic international network of Nordic-Baltic actors, project aims to increase the competence and knowledge of the project target groups (young adults, representative of vulnerable groups (migrants, refugees and minorities) also partner organizations on sustainable development in general and on cross-cutting themes of UN’s Agenda 2030 SDG.
In addition, project aims to empower and emphasize the role of NGO educators and teachers at public schools as active and important change makers in the field of sustainable development by increasing their capacity and coopeation opportunities.
Project’s activities include an international conference & kick off meeting, 2 transnational partners and experts meetings and 2 workshops session including local study visits, development of educational toolkit and web-resource, communication activities related with promotion of sustainable development themes.
Project includes partners from six countries mainly from NGOs, Youth centre and educational centre. In Nordic-Baltic countries we had a sustainable partner who acts as the change maker and facilitator of national network. During the project, the purpose is to further enhance the network and make it wellfunctioning and solid platform on sustainable development education.
– International gathering and Kick off Meeting (5 participant per country and 20 locals)
26-29. August 2021, Narva, Estonia – Conference “Contributing to a good Life in a Sustainable Nordic – Baltic Region by implementation of UN’s Agenda 2030”
– Workshop sessions (4 participants per country +1 expert)
3 -5. December 2021, Vantaa, Finland – The first workshop sessions on green growth, climate change and Clean Baltic Sea themes.
8-10. April 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania – Second workshop sessions on gender equality, digital society, sustainable welfare and accessible education
– Transnational partners and experts meetings (2 participants per country)
11-13. March 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark – First partners & experts meeting
10-12. June 2022, Mälmo, Sweden – Second partners & experts meeting
11-12. August 2022, Riga, Latvia – Third partners & experts meeting
Main practical outcomes:
– SDG Network
– Toolkit
– Web-resource
– New skills, knowledge, best practices.