25–29 August, in Tallinn and Narva

Wednesday, 25th August 2021

The arrival of Officials and Speakers in Tallinn

DAY ONE. Thursday, 26th August 2021
Arrivals and sightseeing’s in Tallinn

  • The arrival of Delegates
  • Registration to the Conference
  • Preparation of Conference and visiting Government institutions and EU Representation in Estonia
  • Sightseeing tours in Tallinn
  • Departure at 17.00pm  to Narva-Jõesuu / Narva (Accommodation and Venue places)
  • Arrival in Narva; dinner in Hotels
  • 21.00 – 22.00 Organising Committee meeting in Meresuu Spa Hotel / Kick off meeting of partners representative of Nordplus programm

DAY TWO. Friday, 27th August 2021.
OFFICIAL CONFERENCE DAY. at Vaba Lava Theatre Centre, in Narva

09.00 – 10.00 Registration and coffee

10.00 – 10.20 The Opening Ceremony  

Moderator of the Conference: Amb. Hatem Atallah

  • Welcome speech by Jane Õispuu, Head of Political Team, European Commission Representation in Estonia
  • Welcome speech by Christer Haglund Director, Nordic Council of Ministers´ Office in Estonia (Online)

10.20 – 11.45 Keynote speakers on Conference Themes & Goals

  • Eili Lepik, Deputy Strategy Director of Strategy Unit of Estonian State Chancellery; “Mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals into national policies, plans and strategies” (Online)
  • Miguel Silva, North-South Centre of the Council of Europe (Portugal); “The role of global education in achieving more peaceful society” (Online)
  • Claire Inder, Legal Officer, Division of International Protection, United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and UN Common Agenda Team, Executive Office of the Secretary-General (Online)

11.45 – 13.00 Round Table discussion with experts, delegates and interested members of the public

How to upgrade the UN – to achieve the UN75 commitments to “Build trust, promote peace and prevent conflict” through enabling the UN to “make better use of its existing diplomatic toolbox to its full potential, including preventive diplomacy and mediation to prevent hostilities on land, at sea, in space and in cyberspace.” Also to explore how greater citizen involvement in the UN’s conflict transformation operations can be achieved through Intercultural dialogue, youth exchanges and international digital Citizens’ Assemblies on key UN decisions;

Moderator: David Woollcombe, President of Peace Child International


  • Mr. Rich Wilson and Susan Nakyung Lee, Global Assembly (UK), “The Role of a Global Assembly in strengthening the UN”
  • PhD Hab Nicolai Tsveatkov, Deputy Chief Bureau Politics for reintegration, State Chancellery of Republic of Moldova, “Prevention of regional conflicts by building trust and promotion peace in the example of small states”
  • Eleonora Insalaco, Programmes Manager of Anna Lindh Foundation (Egypt, Online) and PhD. Mahmoud Ezzat, Deputy Director of Center for Strategic Studies at Bibliotheca Alexandrina “Intercultural dialogue as a tool to more effective peacebuilding and achievement of sustainable development”
  • Alexander Dubowy, Senior Fellow at Welt Trends-Institut für Internationale Politik; General Secretary of the Society for Eurasian Studies, Institute for Security Policy, University of Vienna (Austria), „Security policy and preventive diplomacy and mediation to prevent hostilities on land, at sea, in space and in cyberspace“

A Kick off meeting of all project partners as a parallel session
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch (Café nr. 2)

14.00 – 16.00 Round Table discussion with experts, delegates and interested members of public

Promote Sustainable Growth: exploring ways to achieve the UN SDG 8 of full employment by 2030 and decouple economic growth from environmental degradation through sustainable Green Growth, improved resource efficiency and other strategies.

Moderator: David Woollcombe, President of Peace Child International


  • Marthe Haugland, Senior Innovation Advisor of Nordic Innovation (Norway, Online), “Nordic Circular Business Models”
  • Garba Diallo, Executive Director, Crossing Borders (Denmark)
  • Thibault Larose, Executive Director, Representative of Convergences (France, Online)
  • Yasuo Takahashi, Executive Director, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (Japan, Online) “Aspiration to action in achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Asian region”
  • Madis Tilga, Advisor to the Nordic Council office in Estonia (Estonia, Online), “Notions on circular growth and future-fit economy“

16.00 – 16.15 Coffee break

16.00 – 17.30 Working groups

Elaborating Tallinn Declaration language on Upgrading the UN and promoting sustainable growth

Sustainable Development Goals for Adult learners: Key questions and solutions in promotion and educating sustainability (Vassili Golikov, Estonian host and mixed small working groups)

17.30 – 18.00 The concluding remarks of the Conference Day Two. Moderator: Amb. Hatem Attallah.

20.00 – 23.00 Official Reception and Estonian Culture programme, Finnish Singers and German Pianist Simon Ellinghoven.

DAY THREE. Saturday, 28th August 2021.
OFFICIAL CONFERENCE DAY. at Vaba Lava Theatre Centre in Narva

10.00 – 10.20 Summary of the agreements. The conference Moderator & Working Group Rapporteurs

10.20 – 11.00 Keynote speakers on Conference Themes & Goals

  • Marina Kaljurand, Member of European Parliament, the Chair of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (Online)
  • Jenni Kaupila Advisor the UNA Finland “Nordic vision of SDGs achievement by 2030: challenges and solutions” (Online)
  • Ambassador Toru Morikawa, Executive Director  of Asia – Europe Foundation (Online) “Asia – Europe Dialogue on Environment and Climate Change”

11.00 – 13.00 Round Table discussion with experts, delegates and interested members of public

Improve Digital Cooperation: exploring ways to ensure safe and affordable digital access for all in the context of a revised Human Rights regime 2.0 fit for 21st Century innovations; also to secure digital human rights for all with increased security and reduced inequality;

Moderator: Marina Kaljurand, Member of European Parliament, the Chair of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace


  • Dr. Robert Krimmer, ERA-Chair Professor of e-Governance at University of Tartu (online)
  • Kristina Mänd, Senior expert of e-Governance Academy, Estonia
  • Marten Kaevats, Estonian National Digital Advisor, Estonian State Chancellery (online)
  • Susanne Kallanvaara, Burgårdens Gymnasium (Sweden)
  • Andrius Becys, CEO of GoalHUB  (Lithuania, online)
  • Jean Kostrzewski , London University (Poland/France)
  • Michael Kavuklis, Europe House of Rhodes (Greece)

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch (Kohvik nr. 2)

14.00 – 15.50 Round Table discussion with experts, delegates and interested members of public

Take urgent action to combat Climate Change: explore and expand on COP-26 strategies and identify the most effective Citizen Actions to support them to achieve SDG 13 goal of halting and reversing global heating.

Moderator: Ms. Anneli Ohvril, Let`s Do It World (Estonia)


  • Kädi Ristkok, Head of Climate Department, Estonian Ministry of Environment
  • Jane Õispuu, Head of Political Team, European Commission Representation in Estonia
  • Ms Grazyna PULAWSKA, Associate Director, Asia-Europe Foundation (Singapore, Online)
  • Gonzalo del Castillo, Director of consulting centre on sustainability CeSUS /executive Director of the Club of Rome (Argentina)
  • PhD. Kaja Peterson, Programme Director Sustainable Development Programme, Senior Expert of Stockholm Environment Institute Office in Tallinn
  • Harrison Pollak, Environmental lawyer of California „Practical consideration for tackling the Climate Emergency developed in California“ (USA)

15.50 – 16.00 Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.00 Working groups
Elaborating Tallinn Declaration language on improving Digital Cooperation and combating Climate Change
Working Group Leaders and Rapporteurs finalise the Tallinn Declaration and the Citizen Action Plan

17.00 – 17.10 The concluding remarks of the Conference Day THREE.
The moderator: Amb. Hatem Attallah.

17.10 Estonian Culture Programme

  • Visiting Mining Museum in Kohtla Nõmme at 18.30 pm

DAY FOUR. Sunday, 29th August 2021.
The Castle – Museum of Narva

11.00 – 11.30 The Tallinn Declaration

Official Presentation and adoption of the Tallinn Declaration and the Citizen Action Plan

11.30 – 12.30 The individual commitments and Action Plans for the implementation of the Tallinn Declaration

Delegates and representatives of regional NGOs and Networks outline their individual commitments and Action Plans for the implementation of the Tallinn Declaration and follow up.

Partners meeting for preperation of the follow up meetings (workshops, partners and experts meeting).

12.30 – 13.00 Closing remarks

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.30 – 16.00 Visiting Narva Castle Museum

16.00                Departure to Tallinn, Bus to the airport

18.00                Estonian Culture Programme (for those who stay behind)

  • Jazz Concert by Estonian Dream Big Band 

*[Conference Format Note:  In order for all delegates and panelists to tease out the best ideas and strategies from every one of the delegates coming to this Conference, we are using the Round Table / World Café format.  This requires short (7-10 minute) presentations of key ideas and priorities by each of the 4-5 experts on the Panel.  Moderator could ask 1-2 questions to each panelist. Later on they then come down from the Platform (or they continue online conversation with Virtual participants) and join Round Tables (by joining direct conversation with all virtual participants) of delegates and spend up to 30-minutes listening / challenging / discussing responses to these ideas + other priorities and strategies advanced by audience members.  They then return to the Platform/Virtual scene and each expert reports back what they have learned from the delegates and what concrete suggestions / recommendations they would offer the Tallinn Declaration (political statement) for implementation of  Declaration on the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and identify effective strategies to achieve more ambitious NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) by all UN Member States ahead of the COP-26 in Glasgow, UK .
Each session has a moderator, experts and repartuer.