Political declation of the Global Conversation 2021

Global Conversation 2021 was a four-day event that has include an intensive programme of high-level discussions, working groups, development of the Political Declaration and action plans. We explored major obstacles to the achievement of the UN SDGs in societies with growing youth unemployment, intensifying climate change and ever deeper economic, social and racial divisions. We

Nordic Council Of Ministers’ Nordplus Adult programme is partly supporting Kickoff meeting and conference “Global Conversation 2021”

Nordic Council Of Ministers’ Nordplus Adult programm partly supported Nordic and Baltic adult learners representatives kickoff meeting and international conference „Global Conversation 2021“. More than 50 participants from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are very welcome to join us on the high level public discussions, where we will discuss the role of UN

Euroopa Regionaalarengu fond toetab GLOBAL CONVERSATION 2021 konverentsi

Euroopa Regionaalaarengu Fond toetas EAS kaudu konverentsi „Global Conversation 2021: Roheline, jätkusuutlik ja digitaalselt integreerunud maailm“ 30 000 euroga. Konverents “„Global Conversation 2021: Roheline, jätkusuutlik ja digitaalselt integreerunud maailm“ (varasema nimega UN75 Global Conversation 2020) toob kokku ÜRO kestlikest eesmärkidest huvitunud või nende nimel igapäevaselt töötavad inimesed, poliitikakujundajad, ettevõtjad, vabakonna esindajad, ajakirjanikud ja praktikud Euroopast, Aasiast,