The main goal of the project is to strengthen and increase Nordic-Baltic collaboration on the themes of SDGs by promoting sustainable lifestyle choices, green growth, sustainability and empowerment of CSOs in building the green future of the Nordic-Baltic region.
By this project we aim to increase knowledge of NGO leaders and community members, young adults and other stakeholders working with vulnerable groups about the importance of achievement of the UN SDGs and the need to reduce overconsumption, as it has a huge environmental and climate footprint.

Project’s activities includes: an kickoff meeting and I international training in Estonian on the SDGs in general, sustainable lifestyle and digitalisation (for target groups and high level stakeholders & NGOs representative meeting (what includes discussion days, training and workshops sessions and launch of the project); II and III international trainings and Study visits in Finland and Sweden); Nordic-Baltic Sustainability Conference 2024 with presentation of project main outcomes in Iceland (political statement, local action plans, web-resource and materials), as communication activities related with promotion of sustainable lifestyle and other crosscutting themes, networking and collaborations.

The Project has partners from 5 Nordic countries & Estonia mainly from Educational, Social, Environmental, Women and Youth associations, who work with SDGs, and indirectly policy makers, and educational institutions and green business representatives. Directly participating up to 110 people.
All partners will act as the change maker/facilitators of the network, as it will further enhance the network and make it a well functioning and solid platform on sustainable development and strengthening cooperation within the priority areas of the Nordic Council.


• Targetgroup has learned how SDGs could be achieved on local and international leveland how they can contribute to Agenda 2030implementation and will describetheir role in achievement of SDGs.
• Gained theoretical knowledge and practical skills on how tointegrate sustainable lifestyleand reduce over consumptions in communities.
• To providenecessary civil society instruments toprepare and implement vulnerable groups-friendlypolicies in context of sustainable development education, circular economy andempowermentof CSOs to do a positive impact in own communities
• Gained newskills and knowledge and shared experience on thecapacity building of CSOs andthemes of all SDGs and contributed to a green transition, responsibleconsumption, climate change, gender equality, digital society and tools of goodgovernance and sustainable welfare.
• A reinforcement of the cooperation between CSOs, vulnerable groups and interestedstakeholders from Nordic and Baltic countries.
• NordicBaltic CSO collaboration network“Green Habito” will become more stronger andbigger (having new members and regions of action)
• Improved target groups understanding about UN Sustainable Development Goals and“Generation 2030 programme” and its Nordic vision, importance oflocalactivities and regional cooperation, sustainability and adults learning empowerment in the context of regional processes and international politics.
• Strengthened network of active civil society organisations and its representatives, communities, educators and representatives of vulnerable groups, government institutions representatives and other relevant organisations.
• Formulated suggestion of strategies and policy change in addition also created a political statement for decision makers and local action plan for communities in achievement of SDGs by CSOs, active youth and policy makers/stakeholders.
• Conducted a kick off meeting, III international trainings, stakeholders meetings (workshops) and study visits and international conference to expand the capacity and stakeholders dialogue platform of NGOs inthe Nordic and Baltic States.