THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (
Agenda 2030 för hållbar utveckling, som antogs av alla FN:s medlemsstater 2015, är en gemensam plan för fred och välstånd för människor och planeten, nu och i framtiden. I centrum står de 17 målen för hållbar utveckling, som är en brådskande uppmaning till åtgärder från alla länder – utvecklade länder och utvecklingsländer – i ett globalt partnerskap. De erkänner att ett slut på fattigdomen och andra försakelser måste gå hand i hand med strategier som förbättrar hälsa och utbildning, minskar ojämlikhet och stimulerar ekonomisk tillväxt – samtidigt som man tar itu med klimatförändringarna och arbetar för att bevara våra oceaner och skogar.

17 Goals to Transform Our World
Målen för hållbar utveckling är en uppmaning till alla länder – fattiga, rika och medelinkomstländer – att vidta åtgärder för att främja välstånd och samtidigt skydda vår planet. De erkänner att fattigdomsbekämpning måste gå hand i hand med strategier som bygger upp ekonomisk tillväxt och tillgodoser en rad sociala behov, däribland utbildning, hälsa, socialt skydd och arbetstillfällen, samtidigt som man tar itu med klimatförändringarna och miljöskyddet. Viktigare än någonsin är att målen utgör en kritisk ram för återhämtningen inom COVID-19.

Crossing Borders (CB)
is a non-profit, non-partisan civil society organisation.

Burgårdens Gymnasium  
it’s a upper secondary school in Göteborg with mainly vocational training for young people, aged 16-19, with around 1000 students.

Femina RY
aims to achieve more sustainable and fair society by develop the professional, business, and leadership potential ofwomen through mentoring, networking, skill-building, advocacy and assistance to the people in need and advancing education to all.

Culture and Education Studio NGO Talent City
are focused on two main fields – culture and adult non-formal education.

Nordic Co-operation
The Nordic countries agree that the whole Region has to work together towards sustainable development. Achieving sustainable development is an ambitious but necessary goal. There is no other alternative: we must improve global welfare and quality of life while conserving the capacity of the earth to support life in all its diversity.

The main objective of the project is to enhance gender sensitivity of current and future teachers and to develop, pilot and disseminate a methodology for training in gender sensitive education. We will develop two 30-hour courses in gender sensitive education, one for current teachers and one for future teachers (students of faculties of education). Our target group is current and future lower secondary school teachers, i.e. teachers of pupils of age 11-15. The project priorities include social inclusion by addressing the issue of gender diversity in classroom, and strengthening the teaching profession by supporting teachers in dealing with diversity in the classroom.

Materials | Gapminder
Gapminder is an independent educational non-profit fighting global misconceptions.

Finland toolbox

Sustainability in Denmark | The pioneer in promoting sustainability
For hundreds of years, Denmark was a society based on agriculture and fishing, and Danes still feel closely tied to the land and the water around them. This respect for nature is why Denmark is a pioneer in promoting sustainability.

Book, Voluntary National Review – Denmark, Danish goverment, 2021
Globally, Denmark ranks high in fulfilment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and promotion of the 2030 Agenda. The importance of the goals cannot be overstated. They are the touchstone of the world’s collective fight for a more just and sustainable future

The SDG 16 Hub!
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Article: Gender equality doesn’t come naturally in schools, Nina Venhe, 2020

Article: Lifelong learning in Sustainable Development Goal 4: What does it mean for UNESCO’s rights-based approach to adult learning and education?, Maren Elfert, 2019

Nordic Co-operation, Generation 2030: Nordic programme for Agenda 2030

Nordic Co-operation, Action plan for Vision 2030

Nordic Co-operation, Nordic co-operation on gender equality and LGBTI