Commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations

Conference “The role of global cooperation in building the future we want”

“The UN’s 75th Anniversary Global Conversation 2020 in ESTONIA” is an int1ernational event (open to international network members and interested parties from all over the world) which will commemorate the UN 75th Anniversary and to discuss the role of global cooperation in building the future we want. This event connects unique regional networks (European, Asian, African and American) of practitioners, policy-makers, civil society organisations, media and international donors.

The International gathering will be a four day event and will be followed by an intensive programme with high level discussions, workshops, trainings, study visits, project proposals development to be held in the next days following the conference.

Conference Goals:

  • To contribute practical and radical ideas to the UN’s Global Conversation
  • To shape an International Conference to be hosted in Estonia in October 2020 that delivers implementation strategies to action the ideas that emerge from that Conversation and the UN Secretary-General’s Speech of 21st September 2020
  • To generate ideas and strategies for how to re-invent multilateralism and the UN System for the 21st Century

Date and place: 21th February 2020 in Tallink Spa & Confernce Hotell, Tallinn, Estonia.

Participants: 120 participants (up to 60 international participants from PCI, ALF, AMATEO etc networks, European and international organisations, experts, invited guests, and 60 from Estonia, (High level guests from International institutions, Ministries, Embassies, Partners, Students/youth, interested organisations and NGOs leaders, Networks and social entrepreneurs representatives).

Official languages: English and Estonian


– Key note speeches by UN, government and civil society representatives, experts in policy making and UN SDG.

The aim is to introduce main themes to all participants and further elaborate on the continued relevance of these themes and the need to support UN Global conversation call.

– Panel discussion sessions, these panel discussions include representatives of many different backgrounds who – will highlights the usefulness of creating a comparative perspective, will have in round table format an active discussion with audience, being open to ideas from other countries (regions) and finding common goals and policy approaches. Discussion will be on the following topics like: digital society, intercultural dialogue, youth unemployment, advocacy, innovation and successful cooperation between state and NGOs etc themes what will be under main themes.

– Practical working groups/workshops for participants to introduce them to new skills and knowledge with final cooperation results. (Workshop agenda for youth related with UN SDG)

  • Peace: Enabling the UN to be a more effective peace-builder / peace-keeper, through conflict transformation, peace-keeping forces, Intercultural dialogue and other means;
  • Sustainability: Achieving sustainable economic growth and creating jobs for youth through investing in Green Growth, resource efficiency
    Human Rights and Protection: Digital Society and creating a Human Rights regime fit for 21st Century Realities
    Climate Change: Halting and reversing global heating by transforming global consumption patterns and investing in clean energy


09.00 – 10.00 Registration and coffee
10.00 – 10.20 Opening Speeches:
Mr. Jüri Seilenthal, Directoral General, External Economic and Development Cooperation Department of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Keit Kasemets, Head of European Commission Representation in Estonia
Mr. Herman Quarles van Ufford, Advisor to the USG of the United Nations; UNHQ

10.20 – 11.00 Keynote speakers:
– Mr. Herman Quarles van Ufford, United Nations, NYHQ

– Mrs. Eili Lepik, Estonian State Chancellery, Strategic Department
– Mr. David Woollcombe, President of Peace Child International

11.00 – 12.30 1st Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

  • Peace: Enabling the UN to be a more effective peace-builder / peace-keeper, through conflict transformation, peace-keeping forces, Intercultural dialogue and other means;

Moderator of the conference: Amb. Hatem Atallah

Mr. Jean Kostrzewski (London University, UK)
Ms. Anahita Parsa (SCRAP campaign/ SOAS, UK/Iran)
Mrs. Susanne Kallanvara (Burgårdens gymnasium, Sweden)
Ms. Liis Paloots, International Organization for Migration 
Mr. Anis Boufrikha (Anna Lindh Foundation Tunisian Network, Tunisia)

12.30 – 12.40 Coffee-Time

12.40 – 14.00 2nd Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

  • Sustainability: Achieving sustainable economic growth and creating jobs for youth through investing in Green Growth, resource efficiency

Moderator: Agne Kuimet, Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation

Mr. David Woollcomber (Peace Child International)
Mr. Benjamin Welling (European Democrat Students, Germany)
Mr. Rudy Raes (D’broej Centrum West, Belgium)
Ms. Liis Seeme (STEP programm, Estonia)
Ms. Ouafa Belgacem,  (Culture Funding Watch, France / Tunisia)
Mrs. Ekaterina Aleksejeva (Civic chamber of the Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation)

14.00 – 14.45 Lunch

14.45 – 16.15 3rd Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

  • Human Rights and Protection: Digital Society and creating a Human Rights regime fit for 21st Century Realities

Moderator: Aliine Lotman, NGO Mondo digital literacy expert

Mr. Marten Kaevats (Estonian National Digital Advisor, Estonian State Chancellery)
Mrs. Liia Hänni, (e-Governance Academy, Estonia)
Ms. Kai Klandorf (Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations)
Mr. Jonathan Hart, UNICEF (UK)
Mrs. Katrin Isotamm, (Communication Director of Telia Estonia)

Mr. Toma Moran (London University, UK)

16.15 – 16.25 Coffee-Time

16.25 – 17.45 4th Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

  • Climate Change: Halting and reversing global heating by transforming global consumption patterns and investing in clean energy

Moderator: David Woollcombe (UK)

Ms.  Eva Lennuk (Estonian UN youth delegate)
Ms. Kadi Kenk, Let`s Do it World Foundation (Estonia)
Mrs. Jane Õispuu, (Head of Political Team, European Commission Representation in Estonia)
Mrs. Patrik Björehag, (Burgårdens gymnasium (Sweden)
Mr. Bruno Felgentreu (RCDS Germany)
Mrs. Kristi Klaas, Deputy Secretary General, Estonian Ministry of Environment

17.45 – 18.00 Conference concluding remarks (Amb. Hatem Attallah, moderator)


*[Conference Format Note:  In order for all delegates and panelists to tease out the best ideas and strategies from every one of the delegates coming to this Conference, we are using the Round Table / World Café format.  This requires short (5-7 minute) presentations of key ideas and priorities by each of the 5-6 experts on the Panel.  Moderator could ask 1-2 question each panelist. Later on they then come down from the Platform and join Round Tables of delegates and spend up to 30-minutes listening / challenging / discussing responses to these ideas + other priorities and strategies advanced by audience members.  They then return to the Platform and each expert reports back what they have learned from the delegates and what concrete suggestions / recommendations they would offer to the UN’s 75th Anniversary Global Conversation. Each session has a moderator, experts and repartuer.]

** The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the event program!