II Workshop session “Getting closer with UN SDGs”  22-24 April 2022  

Main goal of the workshop session is a peer learning and hearing adults and vulnerable groups own thoughts, ideas and experiences of on themes related with sustainable development.
Workshop focus themes: Gender equality, digital society and accessible global education for adult learners.
Target group: partners representatives and experts on sustainable development and civil society issues.
All participants will share their own material (stories, games, exercises, use of digital solutions) to increase knowledge on sustainable development goals and improvement of communities awareness about importance of sustainability and cross-cutting themes.
Those materials will be shared on programm web-page and social media for wider public, and promoted in the regions & between partners at local level.
During the workshops an intense work (including personal and group tasks, creative challenges, conversation exercises, an innovative approaches developed by target group etc) will be carried out to develop examples, tasks and guidelines to be included in the project main outcome an educational toolkit and web resource, also will be organised a session of exchange of partners best practices will be conducted as part of this event.
Main outcomes of the workshops sessions:

    1. Trained totally up to 25 people from 5 countries
    2. Target group has got an interesting and useful materials, tools, best practices and practical experience.
    3. A new methodologies in formal or non-formal adult learning has been discovered or old ones have been improved.
    4. The vulnerable groups of the project have got new information, skills and knowledge on sustainable development, particularly better understanding of basics of SDGs, Nordic/Baltic vision of sustainably of the regions and implementation of Agenda 2030 under the title “Generation 2030”

22.04.2022 Arrival day and ability to meet with NGOs and Nordic Council office in Lithuania
NB! For early comers there is an ability to meet with Lithuanian educators, NGOs, Governmental official working with adult learners and sustainable development goals.

23.04.2022 Workshop session and training session
09.00 – 10.00 Registration
10.00 – 10.10 Achievements of the programm and first results of the experts meeting – Vassili Golikov, SSCW Progamm director
10.10 – 11.30 Training session I: “Gender Equality as an Accelerator for Achieving the SDGs” – Barbi Pilvre-Storgard, Tallinn University
11.30 – 11.45 Coffee break
11.45 – 13.00 Gathering materials, examples, guidelines and methodology for educational toolkit
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Workshop sessions I: Three parallel workshops on  gender equality, women empowerment and sustainable welfare (Conducted by each partner in small groups)
15.00 – 15.30 Training session II: Education and Digital society one step closer in achievement of the UN SDGs – Birgit Lao, Ambassador at large for Education at Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia
15.30 – 16.30 Accessible Global Education for adult learners and practitioners – Jari Roy Lee Kaivo-oja, Adjunct Professor, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Science and Maria Rajala, Femina RY, Finland
16.30 – 17.30 Workshop sessions II: Three parallel workshops on global education and digital society (Conducted by each partner in small groups)
17.30 – 18.00 Conclusion of the workshop session and summary of the meeting
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner

24.04.2022 Workshop session and training session

10.00 – 11.30 Exchange of best practices and practical experience by partners (Contributions by each partner and registered experts)
11.30 – 12.00 Summary and Departure



“Can Men Do it? Men and Gender Equality”, Margarita Jankauskaite.ppt

Gender-equality-and-environment-issues, Barbi Pilvre, ppt

Accessible Global Education for Adult Learners and Practioners, Jari Kaivo-oja, ppt

Women’s Issues Information Centre

Workshop session, 22-24.04.2022 Nordi Baltic Nordplus final agenda, docs